An event that was supposed to be held at Irene’s Cocktail Lounge to collect signatures for the latest recall movement in Nevada’s destructive Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak, was threatened and then shut down by OSHA today who claimed the outdoor event was “illegal.” How it was illegal was never explained, but the landlords were threatened nevertheless and people had to be turned away or risk being shut down punitively and permanently.
According to political activist Dee Mounts who headed the event, “Sisolak threatened (they called it warning) to fine/shut down this location. That means employees are out of work. BBP (Battleborn Patriots) wants to support them so we decided to get signatures on the sidewalk. This POS will not stop us from recalling his ass!”
This comes a day after the Governor sent out a mass email begging for money to fight the latest recall movement against him.
Which also immediately prompted a the response that not only “right wing activists” were upset at the Governor…pretty much anyone who’s rational, has a small business, or upset at the broken unemployment system that’s been down since this whole thing started is pissed at this guy
Sisolak who notoriously made his mobster-like “connections” from being on the city counsel and then later chairmen of it for the last decade, barely won the office during the last midterms (yes, foul play was likey involved with the notoriously crooked Las Vegas Strip culinary union who lines up and threatens Hispanic workers to vote Democrat or be deported) is being criticized for dereliction of duties and neglecting his main job of putting Nevadans first.
Early on during the covid “crisis” Sisolak made a pact with how he was going to handle it with the radical Dem states of California, Washington State, and Oregon…never once was there any actual concern or care for what was best for Nevada.
The first attempt to recall Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak failed due to being hampered by the mandatory covid quarantine he himself ordered, that both wrecked the state’s economy and made collecting signatures in public almost impossible. An attempt to extend the recall due to covid was conveniently shot down by an Obama appointed judge who “somehow” didn’t see how a full blown quarantine would effect gaining signatures that HAVE to be done in person on paper.
The second attempt under the new, motivated activist group Battleborn Patriots however has not only been successfully in paving the way for the latest recall….but making the Governor sweat enough about it to actively try to shut it down all over town.
What’s so different this time around? Aside from being better organized and not being under a full mandatory (and unconstitutional) quarantine…Nevadans are motivated more than ever to be rid of a Governor that in no particular order has:
• Restricted the use of a life saving covid drug he was rumored to be on prophylacticly himself just because Trump suggested it worked (it did, and the mandate had since been quietly overturned).
• Devastated small businesses and independent contractors with a quarantine that was highly selective in nature and only allowed chain stores, mega-corporations, and Sisolak’s major construction projects he’s invested in to thrive.
• Is currently under investigation for campaign fraud. Medmen employees were forced to donate to Sisolak’s campaign to avoid individual donation caps from the company itself.
• Bought not one, but two private jets for himself on already struggling tax-payers dime…which to this day has not been canceled.
• Refuses to address the pleas of Nevada citizens who after MONTHS have still not gotten their unemployment because the system is broke and he refuses to fix or address it.
• Hypocritically broke his own quarantine rules all over town on video.
• Punitively targeted and attacked patriotic and pro-Trump businesses like Stoney’s Rocking Country and the Arnhem Hotel by hammering them over unconditional covid rules and threatening their business licenses.
• Shut down church services which goes completely against the US Constitution freedom of religion and to assemble, but allowed BLM protests that ended with an officer being shot and paralyzed by a BLM activist.
The latest in “rules for thee but not for me” Sisolak also attended a Raiders game for which he’s part owner and had people’s phones confiscated so they couldn’t video him breaking his own covid mandates…..again.
Nevada can not survive another 4 years under this dictatorship which has already allowed for ballot harvesting and other destructive Democrat agendas that Nevadans did not vote for and do not want.
Please follow @BattlebornPats on Twitter and Facebook to see locations in every county where registered Nevadan voters can sign the recall.
Article by Mindy Robinson @iheartmindy Twitter/Instagram
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