Category: Uncategorized

  • Congressional Candidate Sexually Slanders Female Opponent Using Political Phone Banks

  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Liberal Propaganda

    Leftholes are too often in error where the truth is concerned. They spin tapestries of insults, fantasies, and provable falsehoods to make themselves feel better by putting others down. The following liberal mind spew is apparently making its way around the internet like STDs in a California bathhouse… THIS WAS ON A FRIEND’S PAGE: An…

  • Corey Feldman is a Sexual Predator: Former Angels Speak Out

    There was a point in time where I would say that I was good friends with Corey Feldman, but that relationship quickly fell apart due to moral reasons and his own weird brand of selfish Hollywood douchbaggery. He demanded I had to wear white if we hung out or did an event which was…weird, but…

  • Republican Voters Being Given Wrong Ballots in Pennsylvania

    Registered Republicans are being given Democrat-only ballots in today’s primary election in Pennsylvania. One Republican voter was forced to vote on a Democrat ballot despite arguing with personnel that insisted his Democrat ballot it was “correct” and refused to give him another. After getting home he checked the state government website only to discover that…

  • How Democrats Set Nevada Up for Election Fraud: Timeline Explained

      I’ve been uncovering voter fraud in Nevada for awhile. We all knew it was bad, but it’s recently gotten unbelievably worse as Democrats continually pushed for and enacted measures that rendered our election system easily corruptible and open to fraud and manipulation. I have proof, I have witnesses, and I have the support of…

  • Republican Voters Deemed “Ineligible” to Vote in Fraudulent Nevada Primary

    I have been uncovering and exposing election fraud in Nevada for several years now. The problem is that no one in a position of authority Left or Right ever seems to ever care about it…and that’s likely because they’re all benefitting from it. Unchecked election fraud was one of the main reasons I decided to…

  • What Judges to Vote for your Help Flip Nevada Red

    As I’m running for office in Nevada, I’m learning that this beautiful freedom-loving state didn’t just turn blue by accident…it had a lot of help from the crooked Dems and establishment do-nothing RINOs here. Everyone keeps asking me what judges they should be voting for to help flip this state red, because although they appear…

  • GOP Head Slammed on Twitter for Endorsing Criminal Candidate

    Recently the House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy endorsed a pre-primary candidate in Nevada, and to say it did not go well would be a major understatement. There are over 250 comments on his endorsement post at this current moment…and they’re ALL negative and pushing for him to support another candidate. You can’t see the candidate…

  • House Rep Leader Endorsed Candidate: Public Overwhelmingly Demands Another

    screenshot because like many of these candidate’s constituents, I am blocked. Why, you ask? Because I dared to criticize his criminal past or ask him why won’t debate his opponent Mindy Robinson. You know who Dan Rodimer doesn’t block, though? The troll followers he has that lewdly, vulgarly, and sexually harass his female opponent over…

  • Democrats are Actively Setting Up Election Fraud in Nevada

    As a congressional candidate and investigative journalist, I’ve been exposing voter fraud in Nevada for quite some time…it’s why enacting voter ID is one of the main proponents on my platform. Recently, the situation in Nevada has gotten worse, as Democrats are actively setting the election up for easy manipulation. It started last month when…